

Soul is a refined reprocessing of materials combining the strength of ceramics with the memory of fabric, endowing residential and commercial rooms with warmth, strength, softness and countless design possibilities. The Soul collection offers visual and tactile suggestions of elegant furnishing fabrics. Rooms have an elegant charm and a contemporary look and can be lived in freely because of the excellent technical performance of porcelain stoneware

This line coordinates with the tile line, Vision, both with the colors and with the deco tiles.

Product Information

Style Information

Style Nominal Tile Size Nominal Tile Thickness Item Code
White Cotton 12x24 - 6x24 -3/8" Special Order 1-2 week lead time
Ivory Line 12X24 - 6x24 -3/8" Special Order 1-2 week lead time
Silver Wool 12x24 - 6x24 -3/8" Special Order 1-2 week lead time
Grey Merino 12X24 - 6x24 -3/8" Special Order 1-2 week lead time
Coffee Cloth 12x24 - 6x24 -3/8" Special Order 1-2 week lead time
Dark Silk 12X24 - 6x24 -3/8" Special Order 1-2 week lead time
Tartan Warm 3/8 Special Order 1-2 week lead time
Tartan Cold 3/8 Special Order 1-2 week lead time
Tartan Delicate 3/8 Special Order 1-2 week lead time
Piedepoule Pattern 12x24 3/8 Special Order 1-2 week lead time
All colors coordinate with the tile collection Vision Special order 1-2 week lead time
Frost Resistant Variation Minimum grout joint recommendation Recycled content Rectified
Resistant V1 Please follow TCNA guidelines 20% Yes

Technical Specifications

D.C.O.F. Wet Moisture Absorption Breaking Strength Chemical Resistance Abrasion Resistance MOH’s
≥ 0.42 ≤ 0.5% Compliant Unaffected 4 Not Available

Product Recommendations

Walls Floors Residential Commercial